
sixteen degrees outside

When the weather is cold enough to kill you 
living in a frigid place 
The sun is like a distant friend
you walk across the frozen ground 
all you see is a white frozen mass 
a sobering cold that takes you in 
longing for some sort of warmth 

At this point I feel at a loss
like I lost all point to go on 
a draining feeling of what could be 
when will this all make sense 
I've been giving all my time 
it just seems like I'm standing in one place 
never moving on to a better vision 
just this constant drumming of nonsense
living each day hoping to find an answer to this question 
one that eats away at me 
the path I see before me 
is one I no longer want to follow
just a never ending passage of disappointments 
living each day as an automaton 
going through the motions of a lost cause 
once in awhile I see a glimpse of what could be 
but then it's all washed away by nonsense
looking for a better way to understand all of this 
everything takes on this constant colour of grey 
A wash of the same everywhere you look 

The people before your are all a blur 
a walking mass of zombies 
longing for a break from this unforgiving cold 
it cares for no one 
like a hunter in search of prey 
killing it's quest for desire 

I long to be back at my true home 
the place where I belong 
A land that most never understand 
they see a world that's filled with decadence 
waiting for that call to bring me home 
taking in the world I love 
with all of it's nonsense and opulence 
I miss it like I'd miss my own limb 
I no longer want the doldrums that I face 
I want to sleep until it's my time to leave 
like Rip Winkle but I'm awakened by a phone call
ready to jump to my feet 
Taking the long journey to my true home 
a place where you feel the sun on your face 
you're surrounded by millions 
living their lives moving in a flow 
taking in the views I miss 
the places I run to in my times 
where I long to reflect upon myself 
a constant crashing of the thoughts
that drive me to a better place 
looking out among the masses 
with a better vision 
a better idea of who I am 
when you inhale the surroundings 
you'll feel a new life 
like that on the silver screen 


hello to the everyday world

Can you imagine
what people would think years ago
if they saw a grown man
talk out loud in public
having a full conversation with no one there
they would think either he was possessed by demons
or that he's mentally insane
its really comical if you think about it
the Salem witch trials would burn him at the stake
thinking he was a witch

What I also find comical
the rings people use on their phones
You'll see this tough looking biker guy
when his phone rings
You'd never expect the ring with the person
it's like their inner subconscious crying out
saying this is the real me
Don't look at the man in front of you
this is the true person hidden inside
it's all a facade of what we want others to see

Now a day it's common to see the comic book predictions
to be part of our daily life
taking us places no one would ever imagine
Like Dick Tracy talking to his watch
or agent 99 talking into his shoe
I can't really see that a s big hit
talking into a shoe
it's really not very sanitary
and imagine
an odor free shoe phone

But here's the fear of what could be
what if the whole system was shut down
destroyed by a bug or virus
all access from Internet to cellular and satellites are shut down
how would the masses devolve from a world of the here and now
frozen from all your current media or information
how would the world react to a total shut down
where the analog world is the only way to communicate
traveling back 30 years to a world that only dreamed
of a future like we live in now

How would the masses react
to the point of the here and now
where instant information is only a thought
depending on days of the past
becoming more of a hands on society
where communication is limited
to what we obtain from print or local media

would people run wild in the streets
crying out for that answer that they search on google
would libraries be flood with the need for knowledge

In a society crippled by technology
how would the masses adjust to a drastic change


There's a reason for everything even though you might not like it

another day in the world that I know
facing the constant thought of what's next
living with the content thought of what's to come
Living in this new year I never know what to expect
not being trapped by the constant maze of the masses
I'm free in one aspect
But I'm not free in other ways
following this path that presents itself before me
taking on a this daily thought of who I am
what will come of the lost souls
crying out to me like a never ending song

Today I'll be working on a dress rehearsal for a fashion show
trying to make the best of what I can
blazing my own way through this onslaught of sorrow
the masses are feeling the grip of this society
with the depression of what is and what will be

I see a new horizen of what could be
making my mark finding my way through the darkness
with the on going feel of what's ahead
I've got to grasp the next run
making sense of what's been presented to me

One day i was sitting there my focus was on one topic
I was presented with another
what do you have to lose
it creates a new focus for me
while I sit here and toil the daily thought
taking on the vision of what was given to me
if you're not willing to try something new
what do you have to lose
it's like i had a sign on me saying
approach me with you problems
I'm here to help you with them
but sense I'm in a trance of nothingness
like a ship stuck at sea with no wind
some new light on a subject
is a thing I need to embrace

I truly believe that things happen for a reason
even though you may feel like you're drowning
finding a gift where there was none is a blessing
relying on this new year
gaining another year on myself

is this the way my path has changed
offering me a new vision
even though my heart isn't fully into it

there has to be a reason for all of this


Bye Bye Bushie

After eight years of administration full of war crimes
and punishment of the American people
Using this nations constitution as a door mat to wipe their feet on

It's amazing to see a President after one day in Office go to work
taking this country back and reinstating the broken laws
Barack Obama has been true to his word

What a nice change from the fear of the next country we piss off
Obama has done everything opposite from the Bushie way
It's great to have an constitutional law professor in the white house
other then a drunken frat boy who's had everything given to him
a man who never really worked for anything
using the power of his legacy and corporate greed

The world view has grown positive and the mood has changed
you can see it in the way people walk and act
the most amazing thing about the inauguration
with two million people gathered in one place
not one person was arrested at the event

It's like we've been held in jail for eight years
with no control of what this past administration has done
watching the partisan criminals that allowed this president
get away with high crimes taking on the attitude
that you're above the Law

Now that the American people have seen the truth
this facade of hate and fear has been washed away
now we have a bright future to look forward to
a change from the spoiled brat who wont share his toys

to a new horizon of a true vision to protect this country
and follow the laws that were created by our forefathers
on a document that has created the greatest country ever

with time these wounds will heal
and we can stand proud once more
holding our heads high
waving a flag that is once again revered
and not spit on
taking on the vision
of bringing the worlds people together
to strive after a true peace and truce
between the falsities of the past lies and crimes


1/20/09 Our Real Independence day

After Eight Years of a Repulicant rule 
Destroying the country 
following the Neo Con Ideals 
we've been set free from a Tyrant 
A President who used the Constitution as a doormat 
committing war crimes enraging the world by his administrations actions

we've been set free from this little Dictator 
A spoiled brat who's had everything given to him 
from a major baseball team to an election 
to an oil company bailed out by the Bin Laden's

With real change from the corporaticity
taking us to a new level setting us free
With the world giving us a new view 
We must give thanks to this bright light that shines
wanting to make peace not war 

Thank You America for opening your eyes 


Another Day

With the temp at subfreezing levels
and the windchill even colder
Anyone who says they love it is crazy
when you stand out in it too long
it actually starts to burn
almost like putting your hand over a burning match
I can't even imagine what it would be like to be homeless
braving the outdoor elements feeling the bitter cold
bundling up in the warmest things you can find
hiding in the best place to shelter you

I remember when I lived in Boston
the homeless would sleep in the doorways
bundled up in blankets or whatever
sleeping on the frozen ground
trucks from shelters would drive around
finding the homeless
giving them blankets to keep them warm
it was a tragic thing to see
as you watch them try to bundle up the best they can
so the cold wont effect them as much as it would've

The homeless in LA have it the best in terms of weather
that's the only positive you can think of for them
The first time I ever saw skid row on 5 th and main
it blew my mind
Thousands of people living on the sidewalks in tents
it was the unknown city that no one would want to find
police on horseback monitoring this world like no other
it's the type of thing you're shocked to see in real life
It's like a thing you'd see in National Geographic
the sight and smells of skid row really blow your mind
groups of homeless people living on the sidewalks
with tents set up as homes
making the best of what they've got
in a world that's impossible to grasp

In a city like LA that has so much decadence and waste
it's amazing to see
this subculture
of another group of people down on their luck
forging for what ever they can to live
the only positives that you could obtain from this sight
they pay no rent or any bills what so ever
free from the fear of a landlord knocking on your door
your electric or water being shut off
the feeling of where will you go when you lose your home
you cant go any lower then those who live on skid row

with the masses of people complaining about the simplest things
if they could truly get a glimpse of that other world
they'd realize how truly good they've got it
living their lives with opulence and a carefree spirit
offended if they don't get the star treatment they deserve
or if the food you were served wasn't made to you liking

Imagine living on a side walk in a tent
naked to the world around you
embracing the kindness of others
as your way of receiving their leftovers or pity
when you think your life isn't great
go down to 5 th and main in downtown LA
and take in a world to surreal to believe


Another Day

As i'm here in the midwest aka Grand Rapids Michigan
Waiting to go back to my true home in LA
you've got to make due with what you've got
Currently I'm working on the Music Fan Festival
It's going to be a Multi day event planned for September in LA
Aiming for Major Acts like the Foo Fighters, Dave Matthews Band and many more
It's so hard to be stuck here and work on things in LA
I really miss the weather and the lifestyle of LA
I've been landing some Auditions here
But over all when you're in a depressed area
With a strong Religious overtone
where the corporate grip of the world of chain stores and restaurants
are the only influence are the choice of what you do

So when your surrounded by a mass of people
that are influenced by Walmart and Applebee's
Mom and Pop is a dinosaur that barely thrives
but with the fall of this economy
these giant corporate automatons that produce
Communist products at a good price
forcing their products and views on you
because it's your only choice
brainwashing us with their mindless prattle of logos and themes


Life is full of surprises

I'm currently working on the Music Fan Festival

Our first event was in LA on 11/15

The amazing thing is in Life you never know
what to expect

things happen for a reason
You've just got to learn how to accept
why things happen the way they do

Its such a hard lesson to learn
with all the pain and sorrow
that comes with the challenge
there's a reason for everything
its learning how to get back up
and start walking again

Life can throw so many curve balls at you
the main lesson to be learned is how you handle it
if you except your losses and grow from them
there's a bigger picture
that we have hard time seeing in bad times
feeling like the world is against you
and you're drowning in your own pain
even though it seems like there's no way out
this storm will pass and your wounds will heal

Taking your life on with a new view
a better vision to go after what you want
You can heal from the tragedies and grow
becoming a stronger and wiser person from this


Welcome to the Dante Alighire Blog

Welcome to my new blog

I'm going to try to keep it up to date

adding all my good and bad thoughts

heartaches and happiness

setting forth my thoughts and ideas

feel free to stop by and leave a post

say what you feel or what ever