
hello to the everyday world

Can you imagine
what people would think years ago
if they saw a grown man
talk out loud in public
having a full conversation with no one there
they would think either he was possessed by demons
or that he's mentally insane
its really comical if you think about it
the Salem witch trials would burn him at the stake
thinking he was a witch

What I also find comical
the rings people use on their phones
You'll see this tough looking biker guy
when his phone rings
You'd never expect the ring with the person
it's like their inner subconscious crying out
saying this is the real me
Don't look at the man in front of you
this is the true person hidden inside
it's all a facade of what we want others to see

Now a day it's common to see the comic book predictions
to be part of our daily life
taking us places no one would ever imagine
Like Dick Tracy talking to his watch
or agent 99 talking into his shoe
I can't really see that a s big hit
talking into a shoe
it's really not very sanitary
and imagine
an odor free shoe phone

But here's the fear of what could be
what if the whole system was shut down
destroyed by a bug or virus
all access from Internet to cellular and satellites are shut down
how would the masses devolve from a world of the here and now
frozen from all your current media or information
how would the world react to a total shut down
where the analog world is the only way to communicate
traveling back 30 years to a world that only dreamed
of a future like we live in now

How would the masses react
to the point of the here and now
where instant information is only a thought
depending on days of the past
becoming more of a hands on society
where communication is limited
to what we obtain from print or local media

would people run wild in the streets
crying out for that answer that they search on google
would libraries be flood with the need for knowledge

In a society crippled by technology
how would the masses adjust to a drastic change

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