
Bye Bye Bushie

After eight years of administration full of war crimes
and punishment of the American people
Using this nations constitution as a door mat to wipe their feet on

It's amazing to see a President after one day in Office go to work
taking this country back and reinstating the broken laws
Barack Obama has been true to his word

What a nice change from the fear of the next country we piss off
Obama has done everything opposite from the Bushie way
It's great to have an constitutional law professor in the white house
other then a drunken frat boy who's had everything given to him
a man who never really worked for anything
using the power of his legacy and corporate greed

The world view has grown positive and the mood has changed
you can see it in the way people walk and act
the most amazing thing about the inauguration
with two million people gathered in one place
not one person was arrested at the event

It's like we've been held in jail for eight years
with no control of what this past administration has done
watching the partisan criminals that allowed this president
get away with high crimes taking on the attitude
that you're above the Law

Now that the American people have seen the truth
this facade of hate and fear has been washed away
now we have a bright future to look forward to
a change from the spoiled brat who wont share his toys

to a new horizon of a true vision to protect this country
and follow the laws that were created by our forefathers
on a document that has created the greatest country ever

with time these wounds will heal
and we can stand proud once more
holding our heads high
waving a flag that is once again revered
and not spit on
taking on the vision
of bringing the worlds people together
to strive after a true peace and truce
between the falsities of the past lies and crimes

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