
Another Day

With the temp at subfreezing levels
and the windchill even colder
Anyone who says they love it is crazy
when you stand out in it too long
it actually starts to burn
almost like putting your hand over a burning match
I can't even imagine what it would be like to be homeless
braving the outdoor elements feeling the bitter cold
bundling up in the warmest things you can find
hiding in the best place to shelter you

I remember when I lived in Boston
the homeless would sleep in the doorways
bundled up in blankets or whatever
sleeping on the frozen ground
trucks from shelters would drive around
finding the homeless
giving them blankets to keep them warm
it was a tragic thing to see
as you watch them try to bundle up the best they can
so the cold wont effect them as much as it would've

The homeless in LA have it the best in terms of weather
that's the only positive you can think of for them
The first time I ever saw skid row on 5 th and main
it blew my mind
Thousands of people living on the sidewalks in tents
it was the unknown city that no one would want to find
police on horseback monitoring this world like no other
it's the type of thing you're shocked to see in real life
It's like a thing you'd see in National Geographic
the sight and smells of skid row really blow your mind
groups of homeless people living on the sidewalks
with tents set up as homes
making the best of what they've got
in a world that's impossible to grasp

In a city like LA that has so much decadence and waste
it's amazing to see
this subculture
of another group of people down on their luck
forging for what ever they can to live
the only positives that you could obtain from this sight
they pay no rent or any bills what so ever
free from the fear of a landlord knocking on your door
your electric or water being shut off
the feeling of where will you go when you lose your home
you cant go any lower then those who live on skid row

with the masses of people complaining about the simplest things
if they could truly get a glimpse of that other world
they'd realize how truly good they've got it
living their lives with opulence and a carefree spirit
offended if they don't get the star treatment they deserve
or if the food you were served wasn't made to you liking

Imagine living on a side walk in a tent
naked to the world around you
embracing the kindness of others
as your way of receiving their leftovers or pity
when you think your life isn't great
go down to 5 th and main in downtown LA
and take in a world to surreal to believe

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